When considering buying a newly built home or apartment in Dubai, there is one crucial step that needs your attention. Without it, you cannot say for sure if the new property that you have just bought meets the highest quality standards and your preferences.

This crucial step is often referred to as property snagging, snagging survey, or snagging inspection. It involves carefully examining every major and minor aspect of a building to identify potential flaws or defects that warrant immediate rectification.

This article explores Property Snagging in Dubai in detail. Here you will learn everything there is about snagging to help you ascertain your new property is exactly how you want it to be.

Here is all you need to know about Property Snagging in Dubai, UAE:

    • What is Property Snagging?

    • Common Examples of Property Snags

    • The Significance of Property Snagging

    • The Snagging Process

    • Property Snagging: Costs in Dubai

Property Snagging in action

What is Property Snagging?

It is a meticulous and detailed inspection process carried out by the developers/builders, professional snagging companies, or home buyers to pinpoint defects, imperfections, or unfinished elements within the newly constructed property before the handover.

These issues or “snags” range from minor cosmetic defects to serious functional or structural inconsistencies, hazards, and flaws. The main objective of this inspection is to ensure the property meets agreed-upon standards and specifications.

Common Examples of Property Snags

Following are a few common snags that are listed in the property snagging Dubai document

    • Cosmetic Issues

These issues include scratches or dents on walls, floors, and ceilings, uneven tiling, and paint imperfections.

    • Doors and Windows

These include poorly fitted doors and windows that are hard to open or close, gaps, and poor insulation that affects energy efficiency.

    • Mechanical and HVAC Issues

Defects in the heating, ventilation, and cooling systems are a part of these snags. These can directly affect comfort and increase energy consumption. 

    • Electrical Concerns

These include non-functional outlets, poor wiring, and issues with electrical panels.

    • Plumbing and Water Supply Issues

Bad drainage, pipe leaks, and inconsistent water supply are also major snags.

    • Structural Defects

These include problems with foundation, load bearing, ceilings, walls, and floors. These snags can affect the integrity and stability of the property.

    •  Fittings and Finishing

These include issues with paint, carpentry, or tiling. Fitting and finishing snags can affect your property’s functionality and your living quality directly.

Property Snaggers in checking property

The Significance of Property Snagging

Following are a few reasons why you need to hire a property management company in Dubai and conduct reliable property snagging.

    1. It Protects Your Investment

Snagging can ensure you make smart investment decisions. It also guarantees the safety of your investment once you have considered buying real estate in Dubai. This property inspection process proves without a shadow of a doubt that the investment you have paid for is in a defect-free and pristine condition.   

    1. Prevent Future Repair Issues and Hassle

Snagging allows you to move into your new home without any worry. A property that is inspected meticulously before the handover doesn’t need any repairs any time soon. This saves you from future hassle and unexpected expenses.

    1. Leads to Higher Property Resale Value

Properties that are snagged and maintained regularly tend to have a higher resale value in Dubai. Buyers are more interested in properties that are up to the code and have no unfinished or damaged areas.

Property Snaggers working

    1. Ensures Quality

A thorough inspection allows buyers to ensure the property being handed over to them is finished in every way. By identifying and resolving issues through snagging, buyers can ensure the property meets the highest quality standards and adheres to all regulations in Dubai.

    1. Gives You Peace of Mind

Snagging gives buyers a sense of satisfaction. It ensures they are getting their money’s worth and their new property is free from all sorts of hazards and defects.

    1. Provides Legal Protection

Having a property snagging or inspection gives you legal protection in case the final product is not up to the standards. This allows buyers to document any issues and construction defects and seek timely and appropriate remedies.

The Snagging Process

Now that you know what snagging is and why it is so important before buying real estate in Dubai, let’s go one step further and discuss the steps involved in the snagging process.

    • Keep with you a copy of the property’s plans, specifications, and agreements made with the developer before starting the snagging process.

    • Conduct an initial inspection just before the property is handed over to you. Look for defects in structure, fixtures, finishing, doors, windows, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems.

    • Note down all the defects and unfinished work in a detailed manner in the snagging list.

    • Present this list to the developer and ask them to resolve the issues within a reasonable timeframe.  

    • Once the developer has addressed the issues from the list, conduct a final inspection to ensure the condition of the property is more than satisfactory.

Property Snagging: Costs in Dubai

The cost of property snagging in Dubai may vary based on factors like the property size, type, and the property management company in Dubai you choose for snagging.

On average the snagging cost for an apartment ranges from AED 1500 – AED 2500. For big houses, the cost is in the range of AED 2500 – AED 4000. Some snagging companies may also charge you based on square foot area. The cost in this case is about 1 AED per sq ft of built-up area + value-added tax (VAT). 

To make a more informed decision, you should take quotes from multiple companies so that you don’t overpay while getting a reasonable service at the same time.


To ensure the quality, value, and immaculate functioning of your property in Dubai, you need to go for property snagging. This simple but key process can help you identify major and minor flaws in the property which can create several hazards in the future.

By noticing these flaws and having the developers remove them before you move in, you can ensure the property is in its best shape. In the long run, it can save you from the frustration and hassle that come with having to arrange for repairs in your new house. Visit My Property Manager to get the best property inspection, snagging, and management services in Dubai. 

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